Mayan Calendar Birthchart readings with Gina Miranda Kingsley

Like astrology but a whole lot more!
Using the Mayan calendar as a guide to your life, past, present and future, Gina can see the person’s history through multiple lifetimes, where you’ve been and where you are going.  She says that the calendar can clear up problems/crises and clarify why or how they can keep occurring and what to do to prevent or protect you.  If your genealogy charted, she can see your reincarnation line, who you were in multiple lifetimes, see why you have made the choices you’ve made or why you are the way you are (she says we bring things from our parents and grandparents) and she can see how conflicts of energies prevent us from living the life we are intending to live.

Just a note: today many physicians are scheduling delivery dates of pregnant woman, giving birth when the doctor says and not when nature intended the child to be delivered…according to Gina, when this occurs, the child becomes completely disconnected to the family lineage.

Sessions are 45-60 minutes  $75.00 and additional hour is $65.00

Call 507-281-6649
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Wind Over Fire Healing Arts Center
4902 Wood Lane NW
Rochester, MN 55901

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