A Circle of Related Spirits
Wind over fire is hexagram 37 of the I Ching. The Family or Clan. This is the circle of relatives closely involved with one another, living or having lived in the same area, breathing the same air influencing one another’s thoughts and actions. We all are spiritual relatives. All relations
I had a profound dream that the wellness aspect of the BE Group and our home, were to be called Wind over Fire Healing Arts Center. Wind over Fire is an I Ching hexagram. My husband John, who is versed in I Ching and has practiced it for many years, translated the hexagram for me and it means “community or family”. And when the beauty of this hexagram was explained more fully to me by my friend Master Tao Huang, I realized the divine meaning hidden within it. I’m humbled by my dream as it is so fitting to my intentions.
Wind over Fire Healing Arts Center is dedicated to the exploration of human consciousness and wholeness. It is a center for education, and if I may, a Mystery School on ancient wisdom and practices offering a bridge from the inner sacred to our ordinary realities! Wind over Fire Healing Arts Center is a place to be in good company amongst like-hearted spirits, reacquainting us with some old familiar knowledge, experiencing new thoughts and ideas, and old and new modalities to bring about self-awareness. My hope is to offer a variety of experiences to facilitate your personal journey here at this wellness emporium for mind, body and spirit.
I think we have such knowledgeable and gifted people in the BE group that every time we get together and do something, the conversations at the breaks and mealtimes can be just as informative as the other learning times. We’re there for a purpose, and each group pulls in the people who need what is given that day. Amazing how that works!!!
– debb
”Thanks for bringing such great speakers and such a variety of spiritual leaders to your BE Group. That was quite a group you had there last night. As Swami Ken said, I think the group energy that we all create is great. There are a lot of sincere people who I’m sure will spread the great wisdom that you bring to the house each meeting. I’m glad I had been in a position to help you set in motion the start of your BE Group last year. It has been rewarding to see you run with it. You are a light in this world. Know that I’m always there in support of all the good that you do in this world. ”
– larry vorwork, northfield, mn
“Thank YOU for letting is to be part of that amazing experience. Your home is beautiful and you share it with us!!!! Even though I really do not know many of the people there, it doesn’t matter the energy is always amazing. Thanks so much.”
– alicia cremer
”Thank you for all you do to encourage others and to offer countless opportunities for healing and growth. As a planner myself, I know the time and energy it takes to “pull it off” so I can greatly appreciate your commitment to doing so. I have also benefitted from healing work with several of the practitioners you have brought in. Lastly, it has been great fun to observe Wind over Fire’s evolution, which encourages me to bring my dreams from the abstract into form. ”
– anonymous, rochester, mn
”Mary, thank you again for all you do! Last night was an amazing experience for me…I felt at one point during the meditation that we were all one…very cool. I’m going to the ashram soon…not sure if with the group or by myself, but definitely going :)!”
– cindy m, rochester, mn
”Wow is right! How wonderful!! Finding one’s dharma is such a gift too! May you be blessed with continued service and high vibrational qualities for yourself and the Be Group! ”
– nita, northfield, mn
”Morning – thank you for welcoming me into your home last night. You shine with love and light. I look forward to the next gathering.”
– laura hartert
When it comes to you and your healing center, and something strikes me in your emails…. I just know no matter what I have to come. I’m meant to take something away from it. And I can tell by your emails that it may be big! Once again, I have no idea what to expect nor do I have expectations. – just like my encounter with Mas. … still in awe over the exorcism with him.
– lorie
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
After having the opportunity to hear lectures by Professor Ramvindran, I was to see the passion he has for peace, health and acupressure. I was able to see that he has intimate knowledge on the subject. Much of the information, I have had exposure to thru yoga and reading literature. However, I finally had the light bulb moment. Everything became clearer as the knowledge moved from head to my heart. Professor Ramvindran, in a health assessment visit, showed heartfelt compassion in a safe environment. I knew he had only my best interest in mind. I understand and believe about waking the Divine in myself, so I may able to serve others.
– donna hochberger, rn, bsn, cpsn