Dennis J. King, The Be Group Mar. 5

Join us at Wind over Fire Healing Arts Center and the BE Group of Rochester with four opportunities with:

Dennis J. King (native name Lalutakehtas)
Spiritual Healer, Bear Clan, Oneida Nation of Wisconsin

Native American Spiritual Group Healing
Sunday, March 3rd at 2- 4PM, Cost $50.00 per person

Private Sessions
Monday and Tuesday March 4th and 5th, Cost $ 125.00 per hour

Sweat Lodge- Saturday,  March 2nd at 2:00PM
with Dennis King and Jesse Fearing, Northfield, Minnesota

BE Group Guest Speaker –Tuesday March 5th at 6:45 PM

Come and listen to Dennis King talk about his road to spiritual awakening and describe his Bear Medicine and share some of the stories of the Oneida Native American culture. 

Experience a powerful group healing session through Dennis King, carrier of the Bear Medicine.  This powerful Bear Medicine is seldom experienced off the reservation! Feel and hear the Bear breathing and growing as true healing powers surrounds you.  The Creator sends out spirits to help Dennis help others.  He comes from a lineage of healers;  his Great Grandfather and Great Uncle were healers…and now, he continues their legacy!

In the Native American worldview, medicine is holistic in nature and considers spirit an inseparable element of healing, whose life-force  manifestation in humans is called (atunhetsla) by the Oneida and (nilch’i) by the Navajo.  Not only is the participant’s spirit important but also the spirit of the healer, the participant’s family, community, environment and the medicine itself.  More importantly, healing must take into account the dynamics between these spiritual forces as a part of the universal spirit.

“Instead of modern medicine’s view of separation that focuses on fixing unique body parts in distinct individuals separate from each other  and the environment, Native Americans believe we are all synergistically part of a whole that is greater than the sum of the parts – healing must be considered within this context.  Specifically, we are all connected at some level to each other, Mother Earth (i.e.,nature), Father Sky, and  all of life through the Creator (Iroquois), Great Spirit (Lakota), Great Mystery (Ojibwa), or Maker of All Things Above (Crow)”. Native-American Medicine, Laurance Johnston, Ph.D.

“This sense of wholeness and connection is implied by the concluding phrase of healing prayers and chants “All My Relations,” which dedicates these invocations to all physical and spiritual relations that are a part of the Great Spirit.  To metaphorically describe our universal connection, the Oneida use the word shukwayyatisu- the Creator, the Lakota use mitakuyeoyasin – “ We are all related” – while Pueblo tribes, who consider corn as a life symbol, state, “We are all kernels on the same corncob.”

In Native Science:  Natural Laws of Interdependence (2000), Dr. Gregory Cajeteuses modern science’s chaos theory to support the Native-American concept of connection.  Sometimes called the “butterfly effect,” this theory postulates that a butterfly’s wing flap may initiate a disturbance that ultimately leads to a hurricane or another phenomenon across the world.  Whether it is this flap, a prayer for healing, or one’s stand against oppression, chaos theory, as well as Native American philosophy, implies that everything is related and has an influence no matter how small.”

“American Indian and Alaskan Native communities enjoy a rich history of traditional forms of healing.  For hundreds of years, tribal healers have provided a range of herbal and ritual treatments for physical and spiritual problems.  Tribal leaders and elders serve as spiritual guides and conduct elaborate healing ceremonies that include the entire community in ritual activities such as dance, chanting, meals, fasts, physical challenges, or sweats.  In traditional healing encounters, prayer and ceremony tap the strength housed within family, community and Creator.  Recently more American Indian and Alaska Native veterans are drawing on these resources for help with both physical and mental health problems.  Traditional healing options can go hand-in-hand with conventional western medicine and counseling.

In today’s fast-paced society, the illnesses are more extreme yet the same spirit prevails as when my ancestors practiced spiritual healing.  Many people are embracing a holistic consciousness and in their awakening call upon Native healers; I am one they seek out.  The scientific and religious communities are beginning to see the advantages of spiritual healing.  In the future, however it turns out, we will need to create a deeper connection – with ourselves, with each other and with the Spirit or Creator.   Many people feel that energy, spiritual or traditional healing methods bring them close to the Creator – whatever their experience of Him or Her.  An overwhelming people suffer from stress at work and in other areas of their lives.  Massage and touch therapy are now seen as acceptable and effective healing techniques and are being allowed in the workplace.  My healing work is akin to those methods.  Modern-day healers around the world whether they apply hands-on methods like me or use other techniques that they prefer, call this “Universal Healing” and it is available for anyone to use if they are aware of and know how to use it.

Call 507-281-6649
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Wind Over Fire Healing Arts Center
4902 Wood Lane NW
Rochester, MN 55901




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